
Master of Science in Computer Science

Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Sep 2021 - Jun 2022
GPA: 3.84/4.00

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Sep 2018 - Jun 2021
GPA: 3.97/4.00


Capstone: Data Science Capstone

Graduate Undergraduate Other/Seminars
Natural Language Processing Systems Programming Differential Equations
Computational Complexity Data Management Linear Algebra
Machine Learning Algorithms Linear Analysis
Machine Learning for Big Data Data Visualization Advanced Linear Algebra
Artificial Intelligence Database Systems Internals Mathematics of Democracy (Special Offering)
Deep Learning Operating Systems Robotics Colloquium
Computer Vision Systems Seminar
Computer Communication Networks Security Seminar
Computer Security Scientific Computing

Course Projects

Disaster Tweet Prediction

Rice Classification

  • Course: Computer Vision (SP ‘22)
  • Partner(s): Phuong Nguyen
  • An exploration of different transfer learning approaches using popular image classification models such as AlexNet and ResNet-18 to classify different varieties of rice

Transliteration of South Asian Languages

  • Course: Deep Learning (AU ‘21)
  • Partner(s): Arkaprabha Bhattacharya
  • An exploration of RNN architectures to transliterate English phonetic spellings of South Asian language words into the respective language’s script
  • Languages explored: Tamil, Malayalam, Bengali, Hindi

Investigating Socioeconomic and Climatic Factors of Mental Health Outcomes in United States Counties

  • Data Science Capstone Project (AU ‘21)
  • Partner(s): Rehaan Bhimani, Michael Wilson, Alan Liu
  • An exploration of regression analysis and matching analysis methods to understand the individual impacts of socioeconomic and climatic factors on mental health outcomes in United States counties
  • Regression models explored: Lasso, Ridge, LinearGAM, Gradient Boosting, Random Forest
  • We employ Nearest Neighbor Matching with replacement using the Generalized Linear Model distance metric and tune a caliper as needed for producing high-quality matchings


Ubiquitous Computing Lab

Graduate Research Assistant
Seattle, WA
Oct 2021 - Mar 2022
Project: pHastCam

  • Built a prototype Android application to take RAW and YUV format images of specially designed pH indicator strips
  • Integrated realtime image analysis using OpenCV as a means of assessing image quality
  • Skills: OpenCV, Java, Android Studio

Autonomous Flight Systems Lab

Technical Project Lead
Seattle, WA
Jul 2019 - Jun 2021
Project: Laboratory Reconciliation and Information Project (LARI)

  • Spearheaded the development of the project using Agile project management methodologies
  • Migrated the project codebase from Perforce to GitHub
  • Led the data migration process from Excel sheets and XML files into SQLite databases
  • New data management solution led to an 80% increase in efficiency between aircraft readiness and flight testing
  • Skills: SQLite, Java

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Seattle, WA
Apr 2019 - Jul 2019
Project: Laboratory Reconciliation and Information Project (LARI)

  • Developed a database management application for internal lab purposes to track hardware components and flight data
  • Implemented automatic flight test checklist generation using component tracking data
  • Skills: SQLite, Java, C#


Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Seattle, WA
Sep 2021 - Jun 2022

Course: CSE 412 - Data Visualization
Professor: Jon Froehlich
Quarters: Spring 2022

  • This course is the non-major version of the CSE 442 course below
  • Led a weekly TA teaching session, teaching and creating activities to build proficiency in visualization tools and libraries in addition to the below responsibilities
  • Skills: JavaScript, p5.js, Vega-Lite, Tableau, Observable

Course: CSE 442 - Data Visualization
Professor: Jeffrey Heer
Quarters: Fall 2021, Winter 2022

  • Hosted office hours to answer students’ conceptual and technical questions, and help resolve technical issues for visualization libraries and platforms
  • Graded assignments and provided feedback on visualization designs, static visualizations, interactive visualizations, web-based visualizations and more
  • Monitored the course discussion board and resolved questions regarding visualization concepts and implementations
  • Co-led an interactive walkthrough lecture on D3.js (twice with Vishal Devireddy)
  • Skills: TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, D3.js, Vega-Lite, Tableau, Observable