
  • Date(s): Jul 2020 - Aug 2021
  • A web application that displays users’ most recently played tracks and their most listened artists and tracks on Spotify
  • Technologies: Python, Spotify Web API, Flask, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS

Alavu Mantra

  • Date(s): Aug 2020 - Dec 2020
  • A web application that estimates people’s height and weight from an image of them using a physical marker
  • Technologies: Python, JavaScript, TensorFlow, TensorFlow.js, Keras, dlib, OpenCV, ArUco markers, Heroku, Node.js, Express, Booststrap, Pug, CSS


  • Date(s): Oct 2020
  • Hackathon: DubHacks 2020
  • Partner(s): Kevin Zhu, Amartya Ranganathan, Leslie Lin
  • A Google Chrome extension that analyzes political bias in articles read by the user and displays information about candidates and measures referenced in articles in a popover
  • Technologies: JavaScript, Bipartisan Press API, WeVote API, Microsoft Azure Text Analytics API, Google Chrome Extension API, D3.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS

CNC Drawing Machine

  • Date(s): Jul 2020 - Sep 2020
  • A drawing machine that draws images uploaded by the user on a set piece of paper in the machine
  • Tools & Technologies: Arduino UNO, CNC Shield, C++, PETG Filament, Creality CR-10 3D Printer, Universal GCode Sender, Inkscape, grbl-servo


  • Date(s): Aug 2020
  • Hackathon: Hack’20
  • Partner(s): Kevin Zhu
  • An Android application that classifies and diagnoses plant diseases from images of their leaves taken through the application
  • Won the Barn2Door Project Award - awarded to the project that benefits small businesses in the food system the most
  • Technologies: Java, Android Studio, Google Cloud Platform, Firebase AutoML Vision Edge


  • Date(s): May 2020 - Jun 2020
  • Hackathon: Virtual CodeDay Spring 2020
  • Partner(s): Kevin Zhu
  • A Google Chrome extension that displays country-wise statistics about the COVID-19 pandemic and a chart of the number of cases over the last 30 days for each country
  • Technologies: JavaScript, Google Chrome Extension API, NovelCOVID API, Fetch API, D3.js, HTML, CSS

3D Printed Dremel

  • Date(s): Jun 2020
  • A custom-constructed dremel (drilling tool) that has variable drilling speeds and can be used with any standard drill bits
  • Tools: PETG Filament, Creality CR-10 3D Printer, Soldering Iron

Foldable Solar Charger

  • Date(s): Jun 2020
  • A solar panel-powered USB charger that folds into a smaller surface area
  • Tools: PLA Filament, Creality CR-10 3D Printer, Soldering Iron, Hot Glue


  • Date(s): Oct 2019
  • Hackathon: DubHacks 2019
  • Partner(s): Aayush Chhabra, Supawish (Jim) Limprasert
  • A web application that generates an instrumental corresponding to the pixel brightness patterns in images uploaded by the user
  • Technologies: Python, OpenCV, Synthesizer, Musthe, Flask, Google App Engine

Smart Mirror w/ Voice Assistant

  • Date(s): Aug 2018
  • A custom-constructed mirror that has built-in Google Assistant and displays user-specified information on the mirror
  • Tools & Technologies: Raspberry Pi 3B, Google Assistant API, MagicMirror

Analysis of Lotka-Volterra Model

  • Date(s): Apr 2017 - Oct 2017
  • An analysis and evaluation of the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey population model to suggest modifications that would better represent real-life predator-prey dynamics
  • I received an A, the highest possible grade, for this IB Extended Essay in Higher Level Mathematics

Reconnaissance Rover

  • Date(s): Aug 2017 - Sep 2017
  • A rover that uses object detection to avoid obstacles while live streaming a video feed and atmospheric data
  • Tools & Technologies: Raspberry Pi 3B, Python, Amadget 5MP Raspberry Pi Camera Module, DHT22/AM2302 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor